Pilates for
Rehab and Injury Prevention 

 Through movement we can reprogram the body’s patterns to reduce pain, heal and restore mobility and strength.

Individualized sessions and specialized small-group programs built specifically for your body.
All online.

Classes and Programs

6 Week Healthy Hip Program

A customized program for women with hip pain, so you can build strength and stability, and get back to the life you love. 

We built this program with the 3 elements essential for success

-personalized exercise
-motivational support
-lifestyle adjustment

Let us help you overcome hip pain and move with strength and confidence.

Individualized Classes

Our instructors have advanced education and experience working with conditions including various hip conditions, generalized back pain,
SI joint dysfunction, disc herniations, osteoporosis, balance and postural issues.

Education for the body

Expertise and Education

Educating your body and your brain are at the core of what we do. Using the principles of Pilates and a foundation of biomechanics and neuroplasticity , we help reprogram your body’s patterns for healthier and more stable movement. Understanding your body, your imbalances (we all have them), and what’s holding you back is how we start down the road to feeling great.

Our instructors received their Pilates education at the Kane School of Core Integration, known for its focus on musculoskeletal anatomy and movement pathologies. Areas of specialized study include the hips, spine, shoulder and myofascial patterns.

Pilates session remote

Convenience of your
own location

All our classes are online and can be taken from anywhere with safety and convenience.

Are online classes still effective?
Yes! With a knowledgeable instructor and personalized attention, online movement classes produce amazing results.

Yes, movement can help pain.

Pilates-based coaching addresses pain by teaching movement that supports your entire body.

  • reduce stiffness

  • improve mobility and flexibility

  • build strength and balance in muscles

  • create awareness in the body

  • teach new and safe movement patterns

 We can teach your body to move better and feel better.